Monday, 23 November 2015

Biro and hairspray transfer.

Transfer techniques - Biro and hairspray.

The second transfer technique I explored in the transfer techniques lesson was Biro and hairspray. This allows for an observational drawing to be aged quickly as the hairspray morhpes the image by separating the ink in the drawing and allowing it to bleed down the page. With this technique you also create a ghost image on the back of the surface the drawing is on. 
The first piece i drew was an observational line drawing of a dead leaf, this allowed for a fair amount of Biro and line due to the many fold with the contorted leaf. I chose to complete the image in a rather abstract manner to add to the hazy and distorted effect that this technique creates. When spraying the hairspray onto the image the distance of the spray changes the intensity of this effect. By putting the hairspray close to the image the ink separates a lot and drips down the page taking the ink with it, creating drips down the page. Holding the hairspray further away lightly changes the colour of the ink but doesn't distort the shape of the drawing. When spraying the hairspray the page behind the image becomes translucent allowing light to come through the piece, while holding this up to light a sort of hidden image can be seen. This translucent image could be then traced or copied while wet to develop the image.
Biro after the hairspray was applied, creating a hazy and warped effect.
when held up to the light the hairspray creates a transparent effect to the page. This fabricating a hidden image when the piece dries, for example here a figure can be seen in the hairspray.

After spraying the piece with hairspray a ghost piece is transferred on the back of the paper. Only sections that the hairspray touched is transferred this creates a fragmented image. 
By experimenting with different colours of biro I was able to see how the colour effects the amount of ink that runs within the piece. With black ink the hairspray causes a separation in colour and purple and blue hues run from the pen. Using red ink there is very little colour disperses from the original piece, by taking this into account it could be exploited when used as a developed transfer technique. 
This style of image could be used within a layering type of collage to add areas of different texture to the piece. The hairspray in effect  makes the paper thinner and bobble and the surface which if to be painted on top off could create an interesting texture as the paint would pick up on the uneven surface. 



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