To complete an oil pastel transfer an observation study must be completed. By looking at the object in front of you and analysing the main hues and slight tones seen and completing a base of these combined, creates the colours seen in the transfer. Firstly layering the tones that can be seen in the object creates the main section of the piece, this should be down in a brash manner as this isn't the sketch of object just the basic observations. Laying the side with the saturated oil pastel face down to the page an observational study of the object can be completed. Pressing firmly onto the back of the pastel a transfer of the drawing should be projected onto the page underneath.

After completing this transfer I discovered I hadn't initially put enough pastel on the first layer of tones. To improve the strength of the transfer I layered a vast amount more pastel onto the page, once again using the technique of looking at tones in my object to create a collage of colour. This time the transferred image was a lot stronger in colour than my first attempt at this style of transfer.
This technique creates a juvinelle image and this style of observation studies doesn't work with the abstract expressionism that I have been studying currently and therefore I don't think I will purpose transfers in this style. However the oil pastels themselves act as a transition to oil paints with similar characteristics to oil paints which is a common medium used in abstract expressionism. By using the oil pastels I get used to the medium of oils in a slightly more inexpensive and forgiving manner.
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