Tuesday, 8 September 2015

Research for written task #1

research for written task #1"

Agnes Cecile

If you have searched ‘watercolour painting’ through google images you may have stumbled across her work already.  Or maybe, like me, you saw her ‘speedpaintings’ on youtube.  If so, you were probably frozen in your chair, captivated, watching a simple drawing come to life.

Agnes Cecile, an Italian painter, is one of my favourite artists and such a huge influence to my own work.  Her real name is Silvia Pelissero but is known through her artist name: Agnes Cecile.

Silvia is incredibly talented and is best known for her unique watercolour paintings. Her influence on a huge number of people, artists and fans,  is even more incredible considering the fact she was born in 1991 which makes her only 21/22!  I can’t say I know of many other artists that young that have such a huge fan base.  Her Facebook page alone has over 62 000 followers/likes.

To make her even more amazing, she is a self-taught artist, having only finished high-school and continued on from there.

Not only are her portraits very realistic, but they are also very abstract at the same time.  She paints a perfect combination  of the two with excellent technique.  She also paints awesome paintings with other mediums such as acrylic and oil paints.





Most of the artists wish for their own style. How would you describe yours, and how did you develop it?

I don't have a real answer, I make human emotional portraits, I start from human figure and I add lines and colors to arrive to something approximately close to what I had in mind. I developed it looking into the line and these forms, I was interested how lines can make figures and how figures can make forms, all the abstract in my works is an extension of the subject, after this start all the work was to try, try and try, make experiments and a lot of errors.


What are your favourite tools and how were you introduced to them? Did you experimented or someone recommended them to you?

My favourites are two tools apparently so different: watercolour and varnish. I like them because I use it apparently random, I give great freedom to the tools, I guide this freedom, I "trust" them ahahah, I know that if I make a specific movement they will create a specific and elaborate form, maybe don't immediately visible, but just wait for the results! Watercolour was totally experimented by myself, varnish was recommended from an art teacher.

Regarding your own art, what do you think has been your greatest achievement so far?

Perhaps to be able to organize totally by myself, my second solo exhibition, see a real recognition to the whole theoretical popularity that I have on the web and meet real people who wanted to see beyond a digital file.



Exhibition dates

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