Annotations of the college in the style of Maurizio Anzeri
When creating my college in the style of Maurizio Anzeri I took inspiration from the image 'I will be with you on your wedding night'. I chose to interpret this image as i had old family photos of a wedding scene, that i thought would be close enough to grasp the concept of Anzeri picture but still have my own personal connection to the project. The photograph I had is decades old and is printed onto a thick piece of cardboard, as I wanted to keep this image unharmed, I scanned the image into a computer and spray mounted this printed photo onto a similar thickness of cardboard, as a likeness of the original. The piece of cardboard chosen was too thick to initially sew directly onto, so I had to drill holes into the picture where i wanted the design to be. Upon drilling into the image I came across the problem that if too many holes were drilled to close to each other the cardboard wasn't strong enough to with stand this and pieces of the cardboard pulled away from the rest.

As shown from the picture above a dent has been made within the image due to the holes being drilled to close together. From this It became a good indicator of how close to drill the holes into the image, and what is a reasonable distance between converging lines within the pattern. When all the holes had been drilled into the piece i had the general outline for the pattern of embroidery.

After beginning the embroidery, i quickly realised the way that i had started with the pattern wasn't giving the look that i had planned, and decided to go back over bits of the image that i had already sewn into.

Before working back into the sections I was unhappy with.

I went back into the hole at the start of the larger oval and went to different parts of the oval, but always returning to the same beginning hole. This added more depth to the piece by adding more lines and shape to this section which created a much more pleasing outcome. I then took what i learned from this section and applied to the rest of the image until I was happy with the way each section turned out.

After completing most of the image I decided to add one last line connecting the two larger ovals together, I feel that this made the image come together and added a dynamic that the picture needed. I added the holes needed for this by using a wool needle I found at home, this was far more difficult than using a drill however it allowed me to add slightly more holes which created for a slightly more detailed section. On the part of the image where it originally made a slight hole in surface, when sewing it proved difficult as the wool wouldn't sit where it was supposed to, which deformed the shape, I then added more hole in more stable areas of the cardboard around the hole to create a new path for the wool, which worked out rather well and in the finished piece this isn't visible.
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