Tuesday, 13 October 2015

John Stezaker

John Stezaker.

                                                                                            Marriage VIII
John Stezaker: Marriage VIII

Stezaker was born in 1949 in Worcester, UK, and Is now living and working in London.

Stezaker takes images from magazines, books and postcards and uses them as 'readymade' images which he bases his pieces on. By examining the chosen pictures he evaluates the truth behind the image and the way an image may have been staged for the photograph. Stezaker is known for his humorous images which tend to create a juxtaposition between the original meaning of the piece and his own interpretation of the piece.
Within his work there are common themes of the original subjects face being covered with either a piece of architecture, or landscape. By doing this his work fabricates an air of mystery due to what would have been the focal point of the image covered in this piece of foreign imagery.
I was particularly drawn to the work by Stezaker due to use of old movie stills and photographs as I find it really interesting to think why that photo was originally taken. His work also strongly relates to the themes that we are studying as he likes to look at the memories  within a piece and try to give them a whole new meaning, only leaving a trace of the image that was originally there. many of the photos and postcards taken look old and worn showing how over time the style of photography has changed and how many of the pieces of architecture has changed in the time since those postcards were printed.


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