Annotations of the college inspired by Edward Burra.
When creating a piece in the style of Burra i had to firstly chose the faces of the subjects within my piece. To make this college person to my self i scanned in photographs of relatives of mine and uses their heads as the subject within the scene. Burra's image shows a scene in which people are at a table, maybe at a cafe or bar. There is also a man grasping a women in his arms, this whole image is teamed with a chaotic background that fabricates a vary vintage feel due to the sepia tones, paired with a light blue- green colour. To mimic the style of this piece i decided to make a scene in which the main subject is sat a table indoors and a women standing with him. The style of my piece creating the illusion of inside a living room, however there was a contrast with the nature pf the subjects and the use of outdoor scenes making up the floors and walls of the room. The original version of the image I intended to sill the width of the page, however after many of the rest of the components had been added I realised the illusion of the room would look better if it ended at the point where the image of the brick was introduced into the image, as it mimicked the idea of a wall. I then tried to remove the piece of college that was next to the new edge of my piece, however when pealing it it left a horrible mess on the page.

This would have ruined the style of the image, so using techniques that I have learnt I used emulsion to paint over the ripped paper. This technique doesn't completely remove this from the image however it adds more character to the piece while still disguising my change in heart.
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