Collage lesson.
Second collage using colour that reflects that of the subject matter.
In this round of collage experiments I mimicked the colour and nature of my subject, by using a coloured tissue paper. My subject was a leaf with many different autumnal colours throughout it, so for my base colour I used red as with a mix of emulsion thought it would create the tones shown within my subject. I started off with the same technique as the prior collage, adhering small pieces of tissue paper to the page with pva and then layering emulsion over the top. From my first attempt at this style of work I learned to not use as much pva when gluing the tissue paper on the page to ensure that I had enough texture when removing parts of the surface, and still allowing enough paper to make a second collage. As seen with the image below the pieces of tissue paper are not as smooth to the page which made it easier to remove parts of the collage.
When removing small pieces it went fair better than my first attempt and the second collage ended up with much more colour on the surface to draw upon. 

When using compressed charcoal to draw back into these two surfaces, I discovered that they had a lot more texture than my first collage which made for a very interesting look to the drawing. Parts of the emulsion on top of the tissue paper had dried and made for a rough texture, which made the charcoal cling to only the raised section of the paint. Much like the first attempt at this technique some of the medium was still wet which meant there was still areas of smoother and more muted tone. 

Working into the second collage made from small sections of ripped paper, the charcoal was fair more visible than in my first attempt I chose to portray the shape of the bottom of the leaf which worked with the rough shape of the collage made from the collage. 

As with this I was exploring the different tones from the leaf I decided to work back into the drawing with small sections of different coloured tissue paper to mimic the spectacled nature of the leaf. I added small pieces of orange tissue paper roughly in the same place as where I could see them on the leaf in front of me. This creates depth to the piece due to the use of layering, it also opens the possibility for more layer and development of the technique with various different subjects. By adding more colour I believe the image is more complex and rather successful even though the nature of the refinement is only subtle, it changes the dynamic of the picture.

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